Rajamouli the Baahubali director earlier announced that he will be doing Mahabharata before saying goodbye to the Film Industry. But before that, he is doing a movie with Mahesh Babu with a forest background.
Right now Rajamouli is busy with the launch of RRR for NTR and Ramcharan. But there is a talk that Rajamouli might give the role of Srikrishna to Mahesh in his proposed Mahabharata.
Superstar Mahesh Babu replied that every character in Mahabharata is important and it is highly impossible to select a character. Immediately, NTR on a talk show expressed his view that Mahesh will look perfect in the avatar of Lord Krishna.
But so far Mahesh Babu is yet to do a mythological movie. So we have to see how things materialise in the near future. But Trivikram, NTR and Mahesh apart from Rajamouli are busy bees.
We do not know what is in store for Rajamouli after RRR. But Rajamoulis father Vijayendra Prasad has many scripts. Let’s hope Mahesh will become Lord Krishna in the near future.