These are a must in your kitchen

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Sometimes you are hungry. You do not know what to eat. For that, you have to get prepared and keep some items in the kitchen. So that you can have it directly or add somethings in two minutes like the Maggi and have it.

1. Eggs are the items with which you can make any kind of food immediately in less amount of time. They are like two minutes maggi. Here the proteins come very cheap to you.

2. You can also keep nut stored. Groundnuts, cashews, wall-nuts, pista and some other dry fruits. Grab the box and have them at any point of time in the day and also during the night.

3. Keep one fruit or the other along with some salads so that it becomes a substitute for food. Bananas and cucumbers can be taken all throughout the day.

Image result for green tea

4. Yoghurt or curd can also be stored in the fridge and it can be taken at any point in time.

5. Green tea is another item which you can have to boost your energy. Keep some green tea bags with you.

6. Fried Kaju and salted almonds are costly, but you can have them once or twice in a week as snacks.

7. Salad made of Tomatoes, cucumber, carrots can be taken regularly.

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