Take Spinach every day

Take Spinach every day
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Spinach is the best medicine for constipation. It works as a purifier of the digestive system. Regular consumption of spinach juice automatically cleans the digestive system.

It easily removes the toxic substances present in the intestine and also provides nutrition to the intestines. It is very important to remember that constipation is a serious disease and leads to almost all other diseases.

Take Spinach every day

The abundant quantity of iron is beneficial for both the child and the mother. Spinach contains vitamin A, which is extremely beneficial for pregnant women.

It is very useful for increasing the breast milk. A pregnant woman should drink at least one glass of spinach juice everyday.

Consuming one glass of boiled spinach soup or eating it in the form of vegetable everyday cures dental problems. Soup of carrot and spinach cures the problem of bleeding gums. The gums become strong and the teeth last for a longer time.

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