Prime Minister Narendra Modi received his first dose of Coronavirusvaccine at Delhi’s premier All India Institutes of Medical Sciences. Sister P Niveda, from Puducherry, administered Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin to the prime minister
“Took my first dose of the Covid-19vaccine at AIIMS. Remarkable how our doctors and scientists have worked in quick time to strengthen the global fight against COVID-19. I appeal to all those who are eligible to take the vaccine.
Together, let us make India COVID-19 free!” he tweeted with a picture of him receiving the shot.
The prime minister went to AIIMS early this morning. Sister Niveda and a second nurse from Kerala can be seen in the picture posted by Modi. Telangana Health Minister Etela Rajendar has also taken theVaccine here today.
It has to be seen if the Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and other Minister will take the vaccine or not.