Rakul Preet Singh has turned Sridevi for the biopic of NTR. She is acting with Balakrishna as Sridevi for the song Aku Chatu Pindhe Tadiche of Vetagadu movie. This is a super duper movie and the song was a rage in those days where Sridevi dance with NTR and Sridevi doing the dancing number under the rain.
it is a wet song in those days. Now the magic was created between Sridevi and Balakrishna by Krish Jagarlamudi. Rakul will be in the movie for 20 minutes and she charged a bomb for the song. One crore is the remuneration and Balaiah happily agreed for the same. The Nandamuri fans will like it in the form of an item Song.
It was a very young Sridevi who did the movie with NTR who was a well-settled hero then. But the pair was a super duper hit those days doing many movies.
the earlier similar song was done by Arthi Agarwal and Junior NTR. The taking was the same, but the song has been changed for the Junior.
The NTR biopic in coming in two parts and the titles are Kathanayakudu and Mahanayakudu. One as a hero and the other as Politician. On the other hand Rakul was happy that she got the opportunity to do a Sridevi and that in the biopic of NTR.