K Chandrasekhar Rao the TRS chief and the CM of Telangana is a master strategist. He knows how to win the elections and he has won a majority of the seats after resigning several times. He will take a risk and he is a gutsy man.
Now he is planning to take Prakash Raj into the TRS fold. He will be used as a trump card where the TRS MLAs are becoming a minus in some of the constituencies. Shadnagar is one area where Prakashraj has taken a village for adoption and is helping the people there. He keeps visiting the constituency for charity and not for political reasons.
The Local TRS MLA is on the verge of losing the election next time and that is what latest reports and surveys say. Here Prakash might be used to contest from Shadnagar for TRS. This was discussed threadbare by the TRS chief with Prakash Raj when they together travelled to Bagulur from Hyderabad for meeting Devegowda.
But Prakash is also a tough nut to crack, and he will come into TRS on his own rules and regulations. He may contest or not is a different matter. But he visited the Assembly and also Pragathi Bhavan and is moving closer to CM KCR. Dil Raju the producer is also toying the idea of contesting from Telangana on TRS ticket. Dil and Prakash are close friends.