Peanuts are good for you

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Peanuts are helpful for weight loss and they are good for the people with diabetes and also heart issues. People say that Mahatma Gandhi the father of the nation just survived on peanuts or groundnuts along with goat milk for a number of days. He had no other food. You can consume them raw, boiled or fried. It can be in the form of oil also. Peanuts are in the form of Butter also.

They are rich in fat and proteins. They reduce the risk of the cardiovascular diseases.They contain Reservatol which prevents heart diseases it has been found out by the researchers. Youngsters must have peanuts to put the mood swings at bay.


They are good for pregnant mothers and it helps the babies in the womb to fight infections. Peanuts prevent gallbladder stones. This can become a regular snack for people who crave for oily food like bhajjis and other things. Keep some dried phalli or fried phalli in your desk and whenever you have some cravings to eat snack have them.

It can be taken in the form of chikky, but it should be made with Gud only. That is jaggery only. Not the chikky with Sugar. Boiled phalli can be taken with some lime juice squeeze and mixed with raw onions. Onions and lime juice add to the goodness of the boiled phalli.

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