The Telangana Government has issued orders stating that: Government hereby permits all the Muslim Government Service/Contract/ Out-sourcing / Boards / Public Sector employees working in the State to leave their Offices at 4.00 p.m. during the Holy Month of “RAMZAN” i.e., from 14.04.2021 to 13.05.2021 (both days inclusive) to perform necessary rituals, except when their presence is required due to exigencies of services during the above period.
While the employees are given one-hour permission for the prayers and making fasting arrangements, big gatherings are not allowed at Masjids. All the Namzis have to adhere to the Covid rules and regulations.
The Haleem Bhattis and selling points have already been restricted and were suggested to take the required permission. Haleem take -aways and delivery at home is encouraged.
There is a talk that as the Covid cases are rising the Government might consider imposing a night curfew to avoid gatherings in the night in the name of shopping, prayers and other things.
The Exams for the 10nth and 11nth students have been cancelled and they are deemed to have been promoted. The 12 exam schedule will be announced soon.