Fadnavis is all set to be the Chief Minister of Maharashtra again. The indications are clear that the BJP is not prepared to take the dictation from the Sena in Maharashtra.
The Shiv Sena will join the Government, but the CM post will be with the BJP it is learnt. Fadnavis might continue as the CM for the coming 5 years. The Sena will get some key posts and Aditya may not get the deputy CM post.
It is reported that the BJP at the Higher level has decided that they will not budge to the demands of the ShivSena. As of now, Sena is having the majority and they are the single largest party.
It has been decided that there will be power-sharing, but the modalities will be decided by the BJP only. Amit Shah, the party chief has set the agenda and has been operating form the back door through Fadnavis.
Right now Fadnavis is in command and we have see how Sena would react in the coming 24 hours. Fadnavis is all set to become the Chief Minister of Maharashtra for the second time.
There are speculations and betting going on in Maharashtra as to who would be the Chief Minister of the state. Prime Minister Modi is being briefed over the development in Maharashtra from time to time.
The reality is that the Sena has got less number of seats when compared to 2014. So the BJP is of the opinion that there is no question of sharing the CM seat on 50/50 basis.