Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has announced that the Metro rail connectivity would be done in the old city at the earliest possible. He said that the connectivity would be developed according to the needs of the public in general.
On the other hand, K Taraka Rama Rao the Minister for IT and Industries said that the Metro work here in the state has been done at the lowest rate when compared to other states.
He also said that daily about 3 lakh passengers were using the Metro here in the city. in other states it was just 75000 per day and in that context, our Metro was better than others.
KTR also added that the connectivity is being done in Old city also. There were some objections earlier and now they would be overcome to complete the connectivity.
On the other hand, there is a scope that the Metro connectivity could be expanded to other areas of Hyderabad and Cyberabad.