Popular Doctor Markandeyulu today praised the efforts of TRS MP Santosh Kumar openly. Markandeulu said that r if all the MPs have strived for the last 15 years for the green plantations then the atmosphere would have been cool.
It may be noted that the TRS MP Santosh Kumar has been promoting the green plantations across the state and also in the foreign countries in the name of Green India challenge.
People from all the sectors have been participating in a big way and planting the sapling and trees in a big way in the name of Green India Challenge. This one way of promoting the greenery.
Markandeylu suggested that the trees planted across the state must be given water regularly otherwise they would die in the summer. Giving water is also another important aspect he suggested. Even the trees planted by the Government agencies under the Haritha Haram program are also not getting water in some areas.
So taking this into consideration markandeylu has suggested that apart from planting he trees, water should also be regularly given to the plantations so that they grow big and give coll atmosphere.
It is for reducing global warming in a big way. All l must strive like MP Santohs he suggested.