Lifestyle for Environment

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With the underlying significance of adopting environmentally conscious lifestyles, Mission LiFE (LiFEStyle for Environment) activities have been organised across all Naval units and establishments as Run-up to World Environment Day 2023 which focuses on living sustainably in harmony with nature. IN has prioritized the adoption of cleaner and greener practices both at the organizational and individual levels.

Actions taken include energy savings through the use of occupancy sensors and automatic controllers, reduced vehicular pollution through the emphasis on e-vehicles, observing no-vehicle day within Naval establishments, Public Bicycle Sharing System, enhanced water conservation measures, collection and distribution of unutilized household items, books etc through Meri LiFE Centres.

Reduction in carbon footprint through measures such as solar-powered street lighting, restoration of mangrove forests and tree plantation drives. In 2022-23, a total of 5,24,820 tree saplings have been planted capturing approximately 11,500 Tonnes of carbon in one year.

In keeping with the vision of the ‘Clean India Campaign’, Indian Navy has initiated a nationwide campaign under the program Puneet Sagar Abhiyaan (PSA). The campaign focuses on cleaning the seashores/ beaches of plastic and other waste and increasing awareness about the importance of keeping them clean, serene and pristine.

Local naval units and establishments dedicate one day, each month, towards coastal cleanup including rivers/ lakes and have liaised with local municipal bodies, NGOs, NHAI and Regional Directors of NCC towards responsible disposal/ recycling of waste material. In the last year, approximately 78,700 Kg of plastic waste from 58 beaches and 2100 km of coastline has been cleaned.

Community participation has played a great role in the implementation of initiatives. Successful institution of green measures in the Navy has been possible through a self-conscious Naval community, well aware of the necessity of environmental remediation and energy conservation. To foster a sense of responsibility towards the environment, various mass participation events such as the LiFE Pledge ceremony, mass shramdan, coastal cleanup drives, cyclothons/walkathons etc are organized regularly.

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