Chief Minister Sri K Chandrashekhar Rao has urged Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi not to revive the passenger train services, which were stopped as part of preventive measures to contain spread of Corona Virus in the Country. The CM suggested that loans should be rescheduled, enhancement of the FRBM Limits, allowing Migrant workers to return to their native states. The CM is hopeful that Vaccine for the Corona Virus would be made available in the country in the months of July-August; most probably it would be from Hyderabad.
PM Sri Modi held videoconference with the Chief Ministers on Monday. The CM spoke on this occasion. He said that to contain spread of Corona Virus, both the Centre and State governments are working in coordination. Sri KCR said that right decisions at the right time are taken and proper measures are put into place. He exuded confidence that victory over the Corona is possible.
Some of the points raised by KCR:
– The Corona Virus affect was more in main cities in the country like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad. There are more Corona Virus victims in these cities. Hence if the train services are allowed there would be movement of people from one destination to the other. Nobody knows who is going from where to where. It is not possible to conduct tests on everyone. It is also difficult to put all those who travelled by trains under Quarantine. Hence, passengers’ trains should not be allowed to ply.
– Corona is not going to leave us now and we have to live with it. We have to lead people in this direction. First of all we should remove fear about Corona among the people. We have to learn to live with Corona.
– Attempts are made to produce Vaccine for Corona. There is a possibility that the vaccine would come from our country. Companies in Hyderabad are making a lot of efforts. There is a chance that the vaccine may be produced from Hyderabad. If vaccine is available, then there will be a marked change in the situation.
– The Telangana State government had taken all measures to contain the Corona virus. We are ready on medical-side. Equipment, medicines, masks, PPE kits, Beds and all the necessary things are available and as such there is no scarcity.
– Corona Virus had a negative impact on the economy. There are no revenues. No state is in a position to repay the loans. Hence all the loans of state governments should be rescheduled. Like the way banks reschedule farm loans, state governments loans should be rescheduled. The Centre should act in this direction.
– Enhance the FRBM Limits.
– All the state government should act with humanity as far as migrant workers issue is concerned. We are a country with sentiments. The workers came leaving behind their children and parents in their native places. They will like to be with their family members. Hence they want to go back to their native places. If they are not allowed there will be an unnecessary trouble. Once they visit their native places, they feel confortable and they will come back again. It is a good decision to run Sharmik trains. We are sending those who want to leave Telangana state. They are coming back. Workers from Bihar who work on Telangana state Rice Mills have come back by special trains. We are warmly welcoming them. They will go and come back. Let them do what they want. We have take proper precautions.
– Lockdown regulations should be strictly implemented in the containment zones. There should not be any laxity.
– We are urging the centre to convert places where there are no positive cases into Green/Orange zones. There is some delay in doing this. It will be possible to take up other activities in the places where there are no positive cases. Hence whenever there is a request from the State change the nature of the zone it should be done immediately.