Telangana CM paid rich tributes to Mahatama Gandhi after hoisting the National Flag here at the LB stadium on the eve of the concluding function of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.
He was speaking in the presence of the Ministers, MLCs and MLAs here. He paid rich tributes to all the fighters who fought for the Independence of the country.
The poor are not satisfied as yet and they must get the fruits of Independence he stated. Telangana has rich resources and India has human capital in abundance he stated.
There should be no caste creed and religion he said. He complimented K Kesava Rao for taking up the festival of the seventy-five years of Independence here in Telangana.
The festival was conducted for fifteen days. He complimented the Chief Secretary and others. He complimented DGP for organising the mass singing of the National Anthem.
KCR was happy that children and youth could see the Gandhi movie in theatres. This must continue and people must follow the path of non-violence he suggested.