Kangana the bold and outspoken actor from Bollywood wants to get married, but no one is coming forward. She was talking about her latest release Dhaakad, where she told the media that people think that she would beat the men.
That was the reason men were not coming forward she opined. Kangana after struggling a lot came to this level and now is able to produce movies ad also direct movies.
She received national awards. Kangana created a sensation by saying that she slept with all the heroes that she worked with. Kangana has always been in an aggressive mode and fought against the Sena Government in Mumbai.
Recently she praised the way the movies are being made in the South. Talked in Praise of Pushpa, RRR, Baahubali and other movies. Now she is waiting for the release of Dhaakad.
Lets hope she will get married soon.