AP Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddys team did a mistake while publicising his good work on social media. The other day Jagan has increased the wages of Asha workers. The digital team of Jagan wanted to publicise the same in social media. What they did was that they lifted the photo used by KCR, when he increased the wages of Asha workers.
The event was conducted at Pragathi Bhavan. The same photo was pasted along with Jagan photo. The photo used by Andhra Team belonged to the Asha workers from Telangana and it was used by the KCR team also for publicity earlier.
It would have been wise for the Jagan team to take a photo of the local Asha workers and then use the same so that it would be authentic and local. It was not right on their part to use the photo belonging to the Telangana Asha workers that too along with Jagan. let’s hope Jagan will recognise this and set the things right.
When Jagan has hiked the salaries of Asha workers from Andhra, where was the need for the digital team to use the photos from Telangana and that too photos from the Pragathi Bhavan? Jagan Mohan Reddy should correct this. The Government can follow some good systems, but there was no need to copy paste and use the same photo used by the Telangana Government.