The Chief Minister of Karnataka Kumara Swamy Gowda said that he is totally relaxed and enjoying news about the Government on the Kannada Channels. Two independent MLAs have withdrawn the support to the Government and have joined the BJP. The BJP legislators are camping in Delhi in the name of preparing for the next parliament elections. Fiver congress MLAs are camping in Mumbai and Gowda says he knows about it.
The Congress MLAs alleged that the BJP was trying for Horse trading while the BJP says that Gowda was trying to split the BJP. There is news all around of threat to Gowa Government.
Reacting to the news Gowda said that nothing is going to happen if they lose the support of 2 Independent MLAs. BJP leader Yeddyurappa who has MLAs in the name of the single largest party charged that Gowda was trying to split the BJP and that they would be in Delhi for two more days.
Putting a brave front Gowda said I know my strength, My Government is stable, Don’t worry. Both the Congress and the BJP were accusing each other of luring the MLAs. That could be the reason the BJP MLAs have been moved to Delhi.
While Gowda says he in touch with the 5 Congress MLAs, there is a chance that a few of the 5 might shift to BJP. Gowda brushed aside all the rumours and news report. He said that there is no threat to his Government as of now.