The lockdown has in force since 26 hours said Nirmala Seetharman the Minister for Finance. She was addressing the media here. PM Gareeb Kalyan Scheme to assist the poor people and the needy.
The food security of the poor will be taken care of he said. The money will reach the account she assured. She praised the efforts of Asha workers, doctors, paramedics, sanitizers, nurses she said. They are doctors in a white dress she explained.
They are taking all the risk she said.
For them, she announced a medical insurance cover of Rs 50 lakh each. 5 Kg of rice plus 5 Kg for the next 3 months will be given free of cost the FM announced. One Kg of the pulse will also be given free she announced.
It is a package of Rs170000 crore. No poor persons will be fasting and all must have some food or other she stated. 80 crore people will be benefitted for the next 3 months free of cost.
Farmers will get Rs 2000 immediately. Rs 500 per month for 3 months for all the Jandhan account holders. BPL families with Ujwala scheme will get free LPG cylinders for 3 months.
The self-help grup loans are doubled. The EPF of employee and employer will be paid by the central Government.