Delhi is a gas chamber: Judge

Arun Mishra
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Supreme court Judge Arun Mishra said that he will not be staying in Delhi after his retirement. He said that due to pollution Delhi has become a gas chamber and there is no proper air to breathe.

Mishra said that he has missed the Judges swearing in earlier due to traffic congestion. Earlier people used to like Delhi but no one would like to stay here due to the pollution he stated.

There is so much traffic congestion and pollution, that the government must find out ways and means to curb pollution apart from easing the traffic congestion he said.

Arun Mishra

A supreme court talking like this is a blot on the Government. Environmentalists say that the Government both the state and also the centre must find out long term solutions, rather than taking up temporary measures.

The court has directed the government to provide a rapid rail transit system for the public. But the Government says that there no funds for the same. The court said that the Government must take responsibility for the well being of the public in general and it cannot shirk the responsibility.

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