Chew a betel leaf daily

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Depression is a psychiatric disorder that affects approximately 5% population of the world. Research has revealed that besides anti-depressant drugs, herbal remedies such as chewing betel leaves have been used since ancient times for their central nervous system stimulant activity.

It was further found that chewing betel leaves produces a sense of well-being, a feeling of happiness and heightened alertness. Furthermore, betel leaves contain aromatic phenolic compounds that stimulate the release of catecholamines.

A strong link is present between a low level of catecholamines in the body and an increased risk of depression.

Therefore, chewing betel leaves is an easy way to keep depression at bay. There is proof that the betel leaves also cure diabetes -2

Chewing a betel leaf, pan or tomalapaku is very good for digestion also. It helps in detoxifying the body to a greater extent. It is also a cleaning agent for the fatty liver.

Eating betel leaf with clove and honey increases the potency of a man.

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