Monday, June 17, 2024


Drink Beetroot juice daily

Drink Beetroot juice daily

Beetroot juice can help in temporarily lowering high blood pressure. Researchers have attributed this to the presence of nitrates in beets. The naturally occurring...

To get her into the mood……

You want to get her in the mood—make her horny? “What you really want is to make her feel like it’s safe for her...

Oatmeal is good for diabetes

Research has shown that eating oats may improve blood sugar control.Oatmeal is a healthy food that many people with diabetes can include in their...
Simple ways to reduce the risk of Cancer

Simple ways to reduce the risk of Cancer

1.It is said that exercise can help lower the risk of developing cancers including breast and colon cancers. 2.One should maintain a healthy weight as...
Not more than 13 minutes

Not more than 13 minutes

How long can one perform the sex. Some of them claim they can go on for half an hour so on and so forth...
Aloe vera for anything & everything

Aloe vera for anything & everything

Before Baba Ramdev came into health products, no body knows what aloe vera was. Now many are using  this . It is very popular....
The art of stress management

The art of stress management

We live in a world overrun by stress. The pace and complexity of modern life has greatly challenged our ability to live healthily and...

Astrology and..

Sexual activity and potency depends on the mind set of a person. But some astrologers have given how a person behaves in teh sex...

Amla is good in all forms

Indian gooseberry, commonly known as amla, and Usiri in Telugu  is undoubtedly a powerhouse of nutrients. It is an uncommon balance of sweet, sour,...

How to tackle Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Uncontrolled cases can cause blindness, kidney failure, heart disease and other serious conditions. Before...
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