Yeddyurappa the BJP leader from Karnataka said that the youth are happy with Airstrikes made by Indian Forces and that the Image of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi has improved. In Karnataka the BJP is poised to get around 22 Lok Sabha sets in the coming general elections he predicted.
The situation for the NDA has improved after the Air strikes he stated. The people of India especially the Youth are happy with the decision of Modi and that we have paid back Pakistan in the same coin he stated.
India on Tuesday has carried out airstrikes in Pakistan and has killed more than 350 terrorists. The JEM blast has killed around 40 jawans here in Jammu and Kashmir.
There are 28 seats in Karnataka and Yeddyurappa is expecting around 22 seats. It may be recalled that Yeddy has lost his Chief Ministers posts even after BJP got the mandate as the single largest party in Karnataka in the recently concluded Assembly elections.
The Congress supported Kumara Swamy Gowda and he got the CMs post even though he had no majority in the house.
Now Yeddy is hopeful that the BJP will get the majority of the LS seats here in Karnataka.