TDP leader Achcham Naidu should be admitted to a Veterinary hospital for treatment said Kodali Nani the Minister of Andhra Pradesh. Nani has objected to the way Achcham has suggested that Nani should be admitted to Erragadda mental hospital.
The discussion was going on in AP Assembly on Disha bill.
Chandrababu and Achcham should be admitted in the hospitals Nani said. Ambati Ram babu the YSRC member advised the speaker that the comments on members being admitted to the hospital s should be removed from the records.
Chandrababu said that the YSRC lawmakers are also in the list of women abusers. He suggested that the lawmakers who are in the abusing of women should be taken to task and they must be punished.
The onslaught against women in social media should also be prevented said the YSRC MLAs. Chief Minister Jagan reeled out the statistics of rapes and violence against women.
He talked about Dr Disha who was raped and burnt to death.