KCR studied by staying in Padmashalis house said KTR. He was talking at the Padmashali Sammelan. The Netanna will be protected at any cost assured KTR.
KCR did a lot for the welfare of the weavers he said. If someone copies the design, we will put them in Jail KTR warned. Many schemes are being implemented for the welfare of the Handloom weavers he said.
All the dues for the weavers will be released he assured the people. Netanna Cheyutha was started for weavers he said. One rupee from your side and two rupees from TRS Government side.
He ordered the power loom Chairman and the Handloom Chairman to look into the welfare of the weavers. Now we are paying Netanna Bheema also and they will get Rs five lakh in case of death he said.
The loans of weavers will be waived he assured the people. Around six thousand crore was spent for the welfare of the weavers he reminded. Padmashali Bhavan soon in Kokapet will be built he stated.
The Modi Government has removed all the schemes pertaining to the weavers he pointed out. Modi is the first PM to fix five percent GST on handloom products he condemned.
Please post, Postcards for the removal of the GST he suggested.