The Ganesh Nimajjan program in Hyderabad has turned out into a big controversy and the High Court has imposed some restrictions on the idols to be immersed in the Hussain Sagar lake waters.
Now the matter has been referred to the Supreme Court. The Bhagyanagar Ganesh Utsav Samithi responsible for taking out the shoba yatra and NImajjan has said that the immersion will be done in Sagar lake waters like every year and they will not respect the verdict of the Supreme Court.
Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav assured that all the arrangements are being done for the Nimajjan process in the GHMC area. There are lakhs of Ganesh idols and the so-called pits arranged by the GHMC are not enough for the idol immersion.
They want to come to Tanbund in a shoba yatra like every year and the Nimajjan has to go on. If the people depend on the GHMC Nimajjan will easily take 4 days to be completed.
This issue is now brewing into major controversy and the Government has to find ways and means to resolve the issue at the earliest. The Nimajjn is on 19nth that is Sunday.
As per the new Government rules traffic is not allowed on Sundays. But keeping the Nimajjan in mind they have to relax the rules and regulations.
The people and idols should be allowed.