24 hours for Kamalnath

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The CM of Madhya Pradesh has been given 24 hours time by the Supreme Court. Both the Speaker of MP and also the CM Kamlnath have bee ordered to reply over the floor test.

It may be noted that the speaker has postponed the Assembly proceedings till 26th of this month keeping the Coronavirus in mind. The BJP, on the other hand, has been demanding for a floor test.

22 MLAs are camping in the resorts after resigning ot the Congress party. Both the BJP and also the Congress are confident that the MLAs are with them.

Kamalnath is confident of passing the floor test, while the Speaker is unable to come forward for the floor test. The Supreme Court has given one day time for the ruling party to prove the majority.

It looks like the Kamalnath Governmet is on the brink of collapse. The question is whether the Speaker is bound by the verdict of the Supre Court or not?

When it comes to the Assembly Spakeris supposed to be the Supreme Commander. But what about the orders of the Supreme Court. For the time being Kamalnath is trying to hold one straw or the other to keep afloat in power.

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