Pawan Kalyan the Jana Sena chief has already supported TRS in open as far as Telangana is concerned. KTR spoke to him over this and thanked him for the support. Now it is the turn of Chiranjeevi. In a function related to the Telugu film industry, Chiranjeevi said that K Chandrasekhar Rao is one CM who walks the talk. He just does not make empty promises but he implements and that is the reason most of opinion polls and surveys have made him the number one chief Minister in the country.
Chiranjeevi said that whenever he met the CM, he used to ask him about suggestions on developing the Telugu film industry. He told the gathering that the Government was ready to do everything for further development of the Tollywood industry in Hyderabad.
He said that most of the technology and know-how is now in Hyderabad and he was proud of it. He was also happy that Chief Minister KCR was keen on taking the suggestions from the people of the industry for further development.
Earlier Pawan Kalyan also praised KCR and his good governance. Apart from this Janasena has decided not to contest in Telangana.