Hazardous industries will be closed says KTR

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There is every need to stop the pollution and also divert the industries to other parts of the city said K Taraka Rama Rao the IT Minister. The industries close to the human settlements will be shifted away from the city the Minister explained. Effluent treatment plants will be set up for a clean environment he announced. If needed we will stop the industries to prevent pollution he said. The industries have to become zero discharge he stated. 1128 industries in Hyderabad were identified as hazardous.

Some of them will be shifted to the pharma city he announced. The pharma city will be with international standards he said. It will not be in a hurry and enough time would be given to the industries for shifting he explained.Green belts should be protected he stated. Wherever possible encourage the greenery and Harithaharma the Minister suggested. This is being done taking the development in the long run and not for the coming elections he said. Environment protection and removing of the pollution should be done in cooperation with the local people he opined.


He was speaking at Pashamailaram on the outskirts of Hyderabad in the RR district today. However, he said that those industries which are hazardous to the health of people and which are continuing nearer to the human settlement will be closed he warned. Pollution treatment plants should be in place for the industries which generate pollution he suggested.A good echo system will be developed in Hyderabad and the city will be developed in a clean and green manner he explained. He suggested the industrialists cooperate with the official machinery in doing the same.

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