Joginapally Santosh Kumar the TRS MP is very happy that the Green Challenge program is spreading very fast and that he has already crossed the 3 crore mark in a speedy manner.
Not only in the country but the people abroad are also taking up the green challenge. Police officers, Government officials, Politicians, Celebrities have participated in the program in a big way.
Hara Hai tho Bhara hai is the slogan and the common people are also planting the saplings in a big way under the green challenge program given by the dynamic MP Santosh Kumar.
Now he is targeting around 10 crore saplings to be planted under the challenge and it will definitely become a world record. It definitely makes all the difference for the climate of Telangana.
The TRS cadres are also actively participating in the tree plantation program and naming the other three for the challenge. Apart from planting the saplings and the same is being posted on the web and it catching up like anything.
The nomination process is making all the difference. All are happily accepting the nomination and they are naming the other three for the green challenge. On the other hand, Santosh is also following it up on a regular basis and taking it forward to the next level from time to time.