1 Tomato equal to 10 Apples

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Tomato botanically being a fruit, it’s generally eaten and prepared like a vegetable. It is used in salads. It is powerful and better than a tomato.

One tomato is equal to 10 apples. Take some Tomato slices and sprinkle some salt on it to eat.

Tomatoes are the major dietary source of the antioxidant lycopene, which has been linked to many health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and cancer.

They are also a great source of vitamin C, potassium, folate, and vitamin K. A tomato on a daily basis also keeps the doctor away and it has the strength of ten apples.

Usually red when mature, tomatoes can also come in a variety of colors, including yellow, orange, green, and purple. What’s more, many subspecies of tomatoes exist with different shapes and flavor.

Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that spread beyond their normal boundaries, often invading other parts of the body.

Observational studies have noted links between tomatoes — and tomato products — and fewer incidences of prostate, lung, and stomach cancers .

While the high lycopene content is believed responsible, high-quality human research needed to confirm the cause of these benefits .

A study in women shows that high concentrations of carotenoids — found in high amounts in tomatoes — may protect against breast cancer .

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