The much talked about the biopic on late CM of AP YS Rajasekhar Reddy is getting ready for release on December 21. The day is the birthday of YSRs son Jaganmohan Reddy the YSRC President. The role of YSR is being done by Mammootty and it suited him very well.
This will be ahead of the NTR biopic which is slated for January 9.
It has to be seen how far Yatra can influence the people of Andhra. It may not have much impact on the people of Telangana. As more or less YSR was wedded to the development of Rayalaseema and Andhra in particular.
The movie is being launched to garner the support of the people for the YRSC and Jagan in the coming elections. Suriya is playing the role of Jagan in this movie which quite interesting. A biopic on Jayalalithaa Amma is also being planned by the makers of NTR biopic.
The biopics of three legends who have been the CMs will be coming up one after the other. One is NTR, the other is YSR, the next would be Jaya Amma.
Both the movies of NTR and YSR are being released on a large scale and they could be dubbed into other languages also. The NTRs movie could be released internationally it is reported.