YCP MLC Anantha Babu has agreed that he killed his personal driver Subramanyam. On Sunday night Ananta Babu was detained by the police and he was brought to AR Headquarters in Kakinada. Eluru range DIG and local SP interrogated Anantha Babu on the murder of Subramanyam.
First Anantha Babu pleaded not guilty to the murder of his driver but he finally accepted committing the crime. In the probe, Anantha Babu claimed that driver Subramanyam has knowledge of the former’s secrets, businesses and activities.
Feared that Subramanyam would expose Babu’s secrets, the MLC plotted the murder.
MLC Anantha Babu also revealed that he picked up driver Subramanyam on May 20th from the latter’s home and there was no involvement of any third person.
But the police are sceptical about Anantha Babu’s statements and so they are thoroughly questioning the MLC.