A beaming CM candidate from Karnataka Yeddyurappa the former CM said that his swearing in is on 17nth. Yeddyurappa the BJP leader who voted early this morning said that after the results on 15nth he will fly to Delhi and meet the PM Modi for seeking his blessings. He would invite the PM for swearing in on 17nth. The muhurat time is to be fixed for the 17nth.
Yeddyurappa is expecting around 150 seats for the BJP that is more than the absolute majority.
Meanwhile, brisk polling is going in all the constituencies. Some small incidents of clashes were reported between the BJP and the Congress here. The police have beefed up the security in all the constituencies.
While Yeddy is claiming for the post there are indications that he could be ditched by the party after the elections and a new man might take over as CM if the BJP gets the power. Or it could be the JDS Gowda and the BJP combination.
Yeddy is facing corruption allegations and he is 75 year old. The BJP has taken a decision to rest the old people.
Yeddy said that he has toured the length and breadth of the state 3 times and that the people are fed up with Siddharamaiahs rule and they are waiting for the BJP government.
The last-minute surveys are also predicting an edge for the BJP.