Women can complain with QR code to She-Teams

swathi lakra
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As part of the measures taken by the Telangana State Government on women’s safety, a large-scale awareness campaign was organized today under the auspices of the Women’s Security Department to create awareness among the city dwellers on the process of reporting crimes to the She-Team with QR code.

As part of this, the Additional DG, Women’s Safety Department, posted Q-R code complaint posters at the Lucknow Metro Rail Stations in Hyderabad.

Swati Lakra, DIG Launched by Sumathi. Metro Rail women passengers were scanned by the QR Code by Metro Rail staff and made aware of the complaint procedure.

On this occasion, Additional D.G. Swati Lakra said that women and girls from any part of the state can lodge complaints with the help of QR code only against themselves or in public places around them, in public places where they work, on issues like eve-teasing, harassment and harassment through mobile phone and online.

He said that this innovative approach was launched in honour of International Women’s Day.
The DIG said that women and girls should no longer have to remember the WhatsApp numbers within their jurisdiction to complain to the she-teams about various crimes and save the link on their mobile phones as they have the option to lodge a complaint from anywhere in the state with this QR code.

He explained that after scanning the QR code and opening this link, the complaint page would open and if the complaint details were entered in it, the complaint would go to She-Team Central Server.

With this, the concerned authorities will respond immediately to this complaint. He said that the action taken on the complaints received by the QR Code, the time taken to resolve the issues, the conduct of the officers and other issues would also be known to the superiors from time to time. It is clear that citizens can also express their response through this QR code (green).

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