Sandeep Vanga the director of Kabir Singh found fault with the movie critics and analyst for branding the movie as violent and toxic. It is a pure love story between two lovers Sandeep explained. The Telugu film by name Arjun Reddy was remade in Bollywood by the same director Sandeep Vanga and many of the movie pundits called it as toxic and violent. They were unable to appreciate the movie.
But the director took serious objection to the comments of the so-called analysts and said that they wanted to fail the movie. Vanga said that he is scripting a new story and there the so-called critics will be able to know what violence really means.
It may be noted that Vanga has agreed to do a movie for Salman Khan and T series will be producing the same. Here Vanga wants to show what violence really means. The next is an action drama and there you will see the real violence he answered the critics.
Vanga achieved a lot of success, apart from name and fame with his Arjun Reddy in Telugu and now in Hindi. The movie is being made in Tamil also with Vikram’s son Dhruva as the hero. Vanga has planned a movie with Mahesh also but it is not going to happen now as he is working with Salman Khan in the coming days. Mahesh is also busy with his own commitments.