It has been a long time since there was a movie from Sharwa. He got married and after that, he is coming up with a movie.
Sharwa is known for different kinds of movies. Some are hits and some are flops. But he continues to remain a hero.
Manamey is all set to hit the screens. Sharwanand has pinned all his hopes on this film, which is a romantic family drama. Krithi Shetty plays the female lead.
Usually these days the songs are very few in number and the duration of the songs also has been reduced. People sometimes don’t watch the songs and they go out to the washrooms.
But Mnamey, this film has 16 songs, and Hesham Abdul Wahab composed the music.
These days 16 songs in a film are a bit too many, and when asked about the same director, Sriram Aditya says that these songs will never distract your attention and will only move the story forward.
They are interwoven with the story of the film he explained. Lets hope the idea will succeed for Sriram and Sharwa.