Will Etela Rajendar resign ?

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State Health Minister Etela Rajendars Land grabbing cases are coming out in open one after the other.

There are allegations in the open that the Minister has grabbed around 100 acres of land around his poultry farmlands which are already in about a hundred acres.

The SC ST people who lost their lands alleged that the relatives of Etela grabbed the lands by threatening them and registered them.

The former district collector also informed the media that Etela as the minister has asked him to regularise the lands. But it was not done the retired officer explained.

The Minister is not in the position of assigned lands and they are in the name of his relatives it is reported. So far they have been not regularised.

The people who lost the lands due to threats from the relatives of Etela are now demanding the lands back. The Chief Minister KCR also received complaints against Etela it is reported.

We have to see what action will KCR take against Etela and will Etela resign on his own is also the question.

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