Do we have the money to develop Amaravathi as the capital of Andhra Pradesh questioned CM Jagamohan Reddy? But we can develop Visakhapatnam with very little investment said Jagan while making a statement in the Assembly.
We wanted to set up three capitals for the sake of decentralisation he explained. There was false propaganda and legal hurdles were created by the vested interests Jagan stated.
My house is here why will I be against Amaavathi he asked. People did not want a single concentrated capital like Hyderabad and that was the reason they voted for YSRC he opined.
Last two years false propaganda was done against the proposal of 3 capitals he explained. The Government will come up with a new bill in place of the old bills stated by Jagan in the Assembly.
The idea is to serve the people well for the delegation and decentralisation of power he explained. This indicated that the idea of having 3 capitals has not been repealed by CM Jagan.
The decentalisation of powers for all-round development all the regions will continue and a new bill for the same will be introduced. That means the idea has been withdrawn for the time being.