Why don’t you arrest me dares Raghunandan

mla raghunandan
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BJP MLA Raghunandam has dared the police to arrest him for leaking the information regarding the rape case. Raghunandan replying to the case filed against him at Abids police station stated that he knows the law and that he is ready to face the consequences.

Instead of arresting the culprits, the police are trying to nail the people for providing the evidence he ridiculed. The case has been filed by Advocate Kommireddy. The case has been filed under ipc 228 A against the MLA.

Raghunandan was a criminal before becoming an MLA. The police would have taken case under pressure opined the MLA. if the police call me, I am ready to present the evidence the MLA stated.

I will fight it legally he said. The MLA is of the opinion that he has done nothing wrong in this aspect. It may be recalled that the police said that there was no involvement of the MLAs son.

Now they are trying to take the MLA to task for providing the evidence.

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