Nara Lokesh the son of CM of AP Nara Chandrababu Naidu made a big mistake even after being the IT minister. He along with his wife and his kid Devansh has taken a salute from police on the eve of the Independence Day.
As the Minister of the state, he must either go to some district or be present with the function of the Chief Minister or the Governor in the state. But he did it on his rooftop at his residence along with his wife and kind and no one else. For this, he took an official salute from the police.
How far is this correct he has his father the CM of the state must know? His kid and wife were along with him while the police contingent even though small in number gave him an official salute which was blatant misuse of power in the first place. He should have used some common sense before he did this.
He must have consulted some senior at least his father. It is not Ganesh Chaturthi where he can do the Pooja along with his family members at his house. Even the senior man Nabu should refrain from taking Devansh his grandson to all the official functions and the Government functions.