Who is to blame?

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Why did they permit the construction in the FTL is the big question. Why did they register the land under the buffer zone is another question. The illegal occupations must be first stopped at the registration level itself.

Property registration must be done after the clearances of various taxes. There are many instances where the taxes are accumulated in the old owners name in many parts of the city.

“We are not against demolishing illegal structures said a BJP MLA. But what about the officials who granted permission by creating fake documents and sold lands to people. The government should take action against them too,”he said.

The BJP MLA said the HYDRA was doing more harm than benefit to thecommon man, hence, the State government should take corrective measures to set right things in the revenue department.

All the issues are happening due to the lapses in the GHMC and registration staff. If they stop the registration there will be no problem as such. The Government must fix the FTL level for all the lakes and canals.

This happened with the Ayyappa society constructions also. The water flow is getting obstructed due to the illegal construction at the FTL level.

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