WE Hub

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– WE Hub, a Government of Telangana Initiative, announces a strategic partnership with Wadhwani Foundation for their programs dedicated tosupporting and promoting women entrepreneurs. Together, they are launching all-women entrepreneur cohorts designed to enable women-led businesses through co-designed programs that leverage the unique strengths of both the organizations.

The boot camps designed by WE Hub for early-stage and growth-stage startups align perfectly with the Wadhwani LiFoff program currently being offered by Wadhwani Founda8on. This synergy ensures a comprehensive support system that addresses the unique challenges faced by women entrepreneurs at cri8cal stages of their startup journey. Together,both the organisations will ensure the successful execu8on of the WE Engage – Spark (for Early-stage Start-ups) and WE Engage – Propel (for Early-trac8on Stage start-ups) programs, marking the beginning of a powerful ini8a8ve aimed at crea8ng a suppor8ve and thriving ecosystem for women entrepreneurs.

WE Hub brings to the collaboration, its extensive experience in working with women-led startups, a robust support network, and a specialized bootcamp approach that fosters peer learning, a growth mindset, and access to essential ecosystems for startup growth.

Wadhwani Founda8on complements this by offering its deep experience in developing and scaling successful entrepreneurial ventures globally, providing valuable resources, training and a well-researched curriculum to support entrepreneurs at every stage of their startup journey.

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