Mahabubnagar has supported KCR in a big way said KT Rama Rao the IT Minister. He was addressing a big gathering here today. No other part except for TRS has done anything for the Palamuru he stated.
In united Andhra regime nothing was done by the Congress for the 60 year period it ruled KTR said. The Congress and TDP which spoiled the state and Palamuru are now trying to lure the people he warned. The TRS will give water to every acre of land he assured the people here.
The Congress is making cheap politics he stated. It’s time for the Congress party to wind up as the people will close the account in Telangana also like they did in AP he predicted. He mentioned Kalyana Laxmi, KCR kits where the ladies are getting all the respect.
The ladies came in large numbers for the meeting. Every house in Palamuru will get water for drinking purpose right into the house he assured.
The thandas have been made into grama panchayats and the girijans will rule them he explained. The double bedroom scheme is sending shivers into the spine of Congress and TDP he stated.
The TRS is for the poor and will develop the poor in a big way with irrigation facilities and quality free power he explained. He wanted the people to support the KCR Government and was confident that the TRS will win in 2019 with a big majority.