After NTR,YSR now it is time for a Biopic on Modi. While the controversy of The Accidental Prime Minister the Movie on Manmohan Singh is going on another political biopic is getting ready. This is on the PM Modi. Yes, the life and times of Narendra Modi are taking shape in the form of a movie.
Vivek Oberoi the villain of Vinaya Vidheya Rama is portraying the role of Modi it is reported. The film unit is getting ready for the Muhurat, and the story will be from Chaiwala to Prime Minister. Vivek is the son of Suresh Oberoi who was also a film star. Two three stars were considered for the role of Modi, but finally, the producers and director have zeroed in on Vivek Oberoi.
Omang Kumar will be the director of the movie.
One has to see if it gets released before the election. Paresh Rawal was first selected for the Modi role. But later they switched over to Vivek Oberoi.