The EC has disqualified Vishal the cine actor and Deepa Jaya Kumar the relative Jayalalithaa the former CM, from contesting the election at RK Nagar constituency in Tamilnadu.
The constituency was earlier represented by Jayalalithaa. Since Jaya has died the election commission has called for an election. Now two prominent candidates have been disqualified.
Dr. Radhakrishnan Nagar, the high-profile constituency in north Chennai that elected former Chief Minister Jayalalithaa twice, is all set to once again choose its legislative representative on April 12.
A total of 62 candidates, including eight women, are in the fray in the by-election. The AIADMK has won seven out of 11 times in the constituency in the last 40 years. This time, three candidates are are claiming to be the ‘real face of the AIADMK.’