The TTD Board has decided to give VIP Break (General) darshan to the
donors who have donated to the Ananda Nilayam Ananta Swarnamayam
It is to be noted that this scheme which was introduced by TTD in 2008
was stopped due to some inevitable reasons.
VIP break for donors.
As per the scheme TTD decided to give Archana Anantara Darshan to the donors
But as Archana Anantara Darshan was dispensed with a few years ago,
the present TTD Trust board has decided to provide VIP Break darshan
to the donors of this scheme as an alternative.
The details of revised facilities for the donors of “Ananda Nilayam
Ananta Swarnamayam” scheme are as follows.
• VIP break (General) darshan are allowed for 3 days per year for a
maximum of 5 family members.
• Accommodation for 3 days per year at a tariff of Rs.2,500/-
• 20 small laddus are offered as prasadam once a year.
• A Uttariyam and a blouse piece are given as a one-time Prasadam in
a year during the darshan of the donors
• A 5-gram gold dollar and a 50-gram silver dollar are gifted to
donors on their first visit
• Ten Mahaprasadam packets are provided once a year.
• Donation passbook is valid for 25 years from the date of issue