Vijay the hot star of Arjun Reddy has been approached to play the lead role in the remake of Pichaikkaran(Tamil) / Bichagadu (Telugu). The movie, which has collected crores in Tamil and Telugu industries, will be remade now in Kannada.
Vijay Devarakonda who knew the Kannada language well, as he had his education in Puttaparthi, has accepted the offer. ‘Bichagadu’ Kannada remake will go on sets next year.
Bichagadu is an action thriller film directed by Sasi, in which Vijay Antony and Satna Titus played the lead role. The film became a big success at the box office, giving Vijay Antony a breakthrough in Tamil and Telugu.
Currently, Vijay Devarakonda is busy with six films in his kitty right now. It may take two years to complete his present commitments.