The BJP has decided that it will have a minority Minister in the cabinet for UP. Muslims will get representation in the BJP government in Uttar Pradesh, though the party did not field any candidate from the community in the state assembly elections.
The party got an unprecedented mandate on Saturday in India’s most populous and politically crucial state, winning 312 seats in the 403-member assembly. The plan to induct a Muslim minister is aimed at reaching out to the community that is not known to be a BJP vote base.
The BJP’s outreach is driven by its assessment that a section of Muslims, especially women and youth, has embraced Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s development agenda and happy with the party’s stand against triple talaq.
“If a Muslim MLA is not there, an MLC (member of legislative council) will be there … there will be Muslim representatives in the government.” Union urban development minister Venkaiah Naidu said.
The former BJP president plays a key role in the party’s decision-making process.