The TTD story is taking interesting twists and turns day in and day out. Ramana Deekshitulu the former head priest has alleged that the pink diamond of Lord Balaji has been sold for around Rs 500 crore in an auction abroad. Ramana Deekshitulu is planning to go on a fast unto to death while the Chandrababu Naidu government is finding ways and means to file a defamation against him. Deekshitulu is demanding for a CBI probe while the TTD EO Anil Singhal says that all is well and that if the purohits permit he will digitise and display the ornaments.
BJP MP Subrahmanayam Swamy says he would go to the court for reinstating Deekshitulu as the head priest again. He opined that the head priest was removed due to political reason as he exposed the corruption in TTD.
Dollar Seshadri the other senior priest who was cleared by the court in corruption charges that Deekshitulu is the richest priest and he owns an Audi car apart from buildings and wealth.
Finally, the TTD issue is reaching the courts in different forms. One for Deekhsitulu by BJP MP Swamy. The other against Deekshitulu in the form of defamation from the Government side. Deekshitulu himself going on a hunger strike.
There is a talk that Amit Shah has provoked Deekshitutlu to fight against Chandrababu. IYR Krishna Rao former CS and EO of TTD has also joined Deekshitulu against Chandrababu.
There are allegations that Deekshitulu has done Yagas for YSRC chief Jagan for getting him to power in the state. People think Jagan might have provoked the priest. But as long as he was on Duty the priest kept quite and when he was removed started talking about the lord’s jewellery.
But all said and done corruption does exist in TTD. Even in the sanctum sanctorum, people make you stand before the lord for some time and they demand you for money. Even at Prasadam counters, they give you more of free laddu and demand for money. You get accommodation with a bribe, you get darshan ticket with brie.
In one word money speaks at TTD otherwise you have to go around for 12 to 14 hours for the sake of Darshan. One may not get the darshan on the same day. So finally it is all money before the lord.