TTD for the common man

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With the summer vacation pilgrim rush reaching its peak, TTD has cancelled VIP break darshan on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays till June 30. While the election results are due on 4th the leaders of the political parties and MLA s are making a beeline to TTD.

Politicians from Telangana and Andhra are visiting the TTD. While Modi was in Kanyakumari, Shah the HM was in Tirumala. With the new Government taking over from 4th, the talk of a new TTD chief has already begun.

It is time for Bhuman to take leave. The names of Raghurama Krishnam Raju, Murali Mohan and some others are being heard for the prestigious post of Chairman for the TTD. Chandrababu has already visited the TTD and people have greeted him with CM slogans.

MLAs will throng the TTD after the results.

There is a talk that the TTD has become commercial under the regime YSRC and it has to be changed. Laddu rates, room rates must come down.

As the darshan timings for sarva darshan pilgrims are already taking nearly 30-40 hours, in view of the larger interests of common pilgrims, TTD has taken this decision. As such no recommendation letters will be received for VIP break darshan.

The TTD must be affordable to the common man as their is no dearth of funds for the Lord. Like NTR, Babu must also do something memorable for the lord.

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